
Vendettas is an Alternate Universe series featuring the 13th Doctor portrayed by Bill Nighy and his companion Kristin Barks portrayed by Chloe Grace Moretz. It was created by Screwdriversonic, Series Creator of New Age: The Guardian and Lost Times. It will feature enemies old and new with some shocking revelations and twists along the way.

Series 1 has been confirmed and for the moment is in Production.

Production Team[]

Screwdriversonic - Head Writer

Creator of New Age: The Guardian, Lost Times, Lost Boy and Doctor Through the Ages.

TDHJ - Executive Producer/Writer

Creator of Jenny Script Series, River Script Series, Shadows of the Past. Written episodes and served as Executive Producer on New Age: The Guardian.

Rose Addict - Executive Producer

Creator of Rose Tyler: Earth Defence & Jo Grant: School of Secrets. Written episodes and served as Executive Producer on New Age: The Guardian.

Poison Bacon - Script Editor

Creator of Moments in Time & co-creator of Chronicles of a Timelord. Written episodes for Time & Space.

BradDalek3012 - Writer

Creator of Time Vortex. Written an episode for Time & Space.

The Silence Academy - Writer

Creator of 11DSS, Raggedy Man, Past's Repeat.

Cybertrash - Writer

Creator of Time & Space and Ms Jones. Written for New Age: The Guardian, Jo Grant: School of Secrets, and more!


Title of Episode Writer of Episode Production Code
Prologue Screwdriversonic 1.X
Dog Eats Dog (1/2) Screwdriversonic 1.1
TBA (2/2) Screwdriversonic 1.2
TBA BradDalek3012 1.4
TBA The Silence Academy 1.5
TBA (1/2) Screwdriversonic 1.6
TBA (2/2) Screwdriversonic 1.7
TBA Cybertrash 1.8
TBA Screwdriversonic 1.9
TBA (1/3) Screwdriversonic 1.10
TBA (2/3) Screwdriversonic 1.11
TBA (3/3) Screwdriversonic 1.12

Main Characters[]

Character Portrayed by Series
The Doctor Bill Nighy
Kristin Barks Chloe Grace Moretz

Minor Characters[]

Character Portrayed by Episodes
1/2 3 4 5 6/7 8 9 10 11/12/13
Matthew Barks Josh Radnor main
Barbara Barks Claudia Grant main
Young Kristin Barks Isabelle Allan minor
Teacher Bertie Carvel minor
Voice of Buster Nicholas Briggs main


Character Portrayed by Episode
1/2 3 4 5 6/7 8 9 10 11/12/13
Cooper Russell Crowe
Fido Hugh Jackman
Dixie Chris Hemsworth