Georgia Lockhart is a fictional character created by Bradley Young and played by Sheridan Smith in the Doctor Who Online series Time Vortex. Georgia Lockhart was introduced in Mrs Lockhart & The Devil's Kiss in 2013 as a barmaid living in a small sleepy village on the outskirts of York who accidently bumps into the TARDIS.
Creation and casting[]
Georgia was originally created for an upcoming episode called Mortality. However, the character was brought forward as Bradley Young was looking for a one-off companion, giving Sally Sparrow a brief rest. He noted that Sheridan Smith was one of his favorite british actors, mainly because she is very versatile, recently impressing him in Jimmy Mcgovern's Accused.
The character garnered postive to mixed reviews with cybertrash liking the character and mentioning that she was nice and impossible to dislike. However, he felt that she was too similar to main companion Sally Sparrow. BigDocFan also liked her, commenting on how interesting she was a character, although he noted that it was annoying when she asked all the questions. There was also a spark of confusion with Poison Bacon when Sheridan Smith was announced as the actress who'd portray her, partly because she also plays Lucy Miller in the Doctor Who Big Finish audio book series.