General Brown is a recurring character in The Inspector series, first appearing in Rocket Attack. General Brown is the commanding officer of the ASA troops set in Earth's future.


General Brown first appeared in Rocket Attack onboard a spaceship responding to a distress call. On arriving at the scene, he spotted some wreckage and brought it onboard his ship. The wreckage turned out to be The Inspector's TARDIS, leading him to meet The Inspector and companion Oliver Clune. General Brown took them back to Earth to lead an inquiry into what happened.

During the inquiry. General Brown was alerted to a Molf attacking a scrapyard for rocket parts and aided by The Inspector, they were able to subdue the Molf. Against The Inspector's advice, General Brown elected to destroy the Molf and launched it on a shuttle that exploded soon after launch. Unbeknownst to him, the Molf was able to escape.

General Brown later appeared in The Dimidas where he and his ASA troops were trying to stop gold from being stolen from Fort Knox. On patrol, General Brown encountered The Inspector once more, this time accompanied by Ofelia Cruz. After reintroduction, General Brown assigned Private Atkins to keep an eye on Ofelia whilst he spoke with The Inspector.

General Brown filled The Inspector in on what happened, seeking her advice only for Headquarters to be attacked by The Dimidas. The attack resulted in headquarters being turned to gold and consumed by the Dimidas and the Inspector being turned to gold and taken over, but not before giving a clue on how to deal with the Dimidas.

Equipping themselves with water to use against the Dimidas, General Brown led his troops to attack the Dimidas, an attack that led General Brown to be turned to gold but the soldiers were soon able to deal with the Dimidas. General Brown was later returned to normal but wasn't too pleased at having The Inspector be stored first. General Brown assigned Atkins some leave before offering Ofelia and the Inspector civilian jobs.

Behind the scenes:

General Brown was created as a one-off character for Rocket Attack but when The Dimidas was being planned, an army was featured so General Brown and the ASA team returned with General Brown being the only named character. During writing, BigDocFan considered keeping General Brown and Private Atkins as recurring characters though left the ending open in case fans weren't too keen on them coming back.